FOSI in-person workshop on November 27th 1-2pm in MSL RM 101

Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of November, and will take place on November 27th (Monday) at 1 pm in Michael Smith Laboratory (MSL) Rm 101 (multipurpose room). Guang Gao (Facility manager of LSI imaging) and Miki Fujita (Research manager at Bioimaging facility) will provide an in-person workshop about best practices for sample preparation, live cell imaging, 3D segmentation, documenting and reporting microscopy data, and preparation of the image figures for publications.
We will begin with short presentations provided by Guang and Miki, then will have a Q&A session.
Please bring your questions and images with you to the workshop. Guang and Miki will be there to answer your questions.
Snacks and Coffee will be provided.
For those who don’t know about the FOSI seminar, the FOSI seminar series was created to provide a space for everyone to exchange ideas about imaging techniques and to connect with the people who use the imaging techniques that you might need for your own research.
We hope that you can join us at this month’s FOSI seminar! For more information, see our home page at
FOSI organizers: Evan McKenzie, Sean Ritter, Kabir Bhalla